For this week, I am using the Goddess Dream Oracle by Wendy Andrew. Our anchor card is Bravery. We fear to go within to confront the dark places within. We fear to meet our demons, monsters, and beasts head-on. The Goddess Artemis is here to give us the courage and keep us safe as we do that shadow work. On our journey within, we may…
Weekly Oracle Guidance for June 20, 2021
For this week’s oracle guidance, I am using the The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit deck by Kim Krans. Our theme for the week is Camel Spirit. Camel Spirit is calling us to abandon the known. We need not be afraid to traverse the desert. We have everything we need to protect and nourish us along the journey. Trust in Spirit. As we traverse the unknown,…
Weekly Oracle Guidance for June 13, 2021
For this week, I am using The Sacred Forest Oracle by Denise Linn. Our anchor card is Spirit Guardian of Winter. The theme for this week is we need to take a season of rest and recuperation. In doing so, we are made aware of energy vampires that try to drain our energy. It is time to let go of people and situations that don’t…
Weekly Oracle Guidance for June 6, 2021
For this week’s oracle guidance, I am using three decks by Colette Baron-Reid and Jena DellaGrottaglia: The Animal Spirit Oracle, The Good Tarot, and The Mystical Shaman Oracle. In the Lower World position, we have Koi Fish Spirit. Spirit is telling us that we must be careful this week of having a mindset of scarcity – a fear of not having enough or not being…
Weekly Oracle Guidance for May 30, 2021
For this week’s oracle guidance, I am using The Witches’ Wisdom Tarot by Phyllis Curott and Danielle Barlow. In the Lower World position, our card is Offering. The broken part of ourselves Spirit is communicating to us is we do not love deeply or show gratitude. We are all connected to one source – Mother Earth, but we’ve forgotten she is sacred, she is divine,…
Weekly Oracle Guidance for May 23, 2021
For this week’s guidance, I am using the Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid to see what is the story that Spirit has for us this week. Our first card and the card that anchors us for the week is, The Fates. Have you ever tried to change something that you should not try to change, and it ends in a huge blowup? This…
Weekly Oracle Guidance for May 16, 2021
For this week, I am using The Sacred Creators Oracle by Chris-Anne. The question is how can we stay in alignment with our highest good to create the dream life we want? Our anchor card this week is Success in Transformation. The anchor card is the overarching theme for the week and the cards that follow it, build on that theme. The anchor card is about…
Weekly Oracle Guidance for May 9, 2021
For this week’s oracle guidance, I am doing a simple three card spread using the Elemental Power Tarot by Melinda Lee Holm. What path should we take this week? The first card pull is the 3 of swords. The number three in numerology means growth. If you’ve been wanting to learn something new or pick up a new book you’ve been wanting to read, then…
Weekly Oracle Guidance for May 2, 2021
I’ve consulted the I Ching via the Tao Oracle as to how can we stay in alignment with our highest good this week. Our first hexagram is #19 (Approach), which represents our present situation. Spirit is bringing to our attention that we will be exalted to greatness. This greatness means that each of us is being prepared for a leadership role or being prepared for…
Weekly Oracle Guidance for April 25, 2021
For this week’s oracle guidance, I am using a combination of three decks; The Wild Unknown Tarot, The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit and The Wild Unknown Archetypes. What broken piece of ourselves needs healing this week? In the Lower World position (unconscious mind), the animal spirit that appeared was the Camel. When facing excess heat, the Camel is able to find nourishment within itself in…